The Hidden Tears of Male Grief

The Pillars of Grief podcast, hosted by Jock Brocas, sheds light on male grief, which is a poignant and often overlooked aspect of the human experience: the grief journey of men. In a recent episode, ...


Jock Brocas

25 févr. 2024

The Hidden Tears of Male Grief

The Pillars of Grief podcast, hosted by Jock Brocas, sheds light on male grief, which is a poignant and often overlooked aspect of the human experience: the grief journey of men. In a recent episode, Jock Brocas delves into the societal expectations placed on male grief and the challenges men face in expressing and processing their grief. This article aims to reflect on the key points from the podcast and delve further into the unspoken struggles of grieving men.

Societal Expectations of Men’s Grief

In the podcast, Brocas emphasizes the societal expectations placed on men, particularly the idea that men should be strong, resilient, and not show vulnerability or weakness. From childhood, boys are taught to “be tough” and to suppress their emotions. Boys who cry are often told to “man up” or “be a man,” perpetuating the toxic notion that showing emotions is a sign of weakness.

As a result, men are conditioned to hide their grief, which can lead to internalizing emotions and struggling in silence. The pressure to conform to these masculine ideals can make it difficult for men to seek support and express their pain, ultimately impacting their ability to navigate the grieving process.

Unique Challenges Faced by Grieving Men

male grief

Brocas discusses the unique challenges faced by men in the aftermath of loss. He shares a heartbreaking story about a friend, an older man who tragically took his own life following the passing of his wife. This narrative sheds light on the profound impact of unspoken grief and the devastating consequences of suppressing emotions.

The podcast highlights the need for men to have spaces where they can openly express their grief without fear of judgment. Unlike women, who often have support systems and programs tailored to their grief experiences, men lack similar resources designed to address their distinct emotional needs. This highlights the importance of creating inclusive support structures and resources that cater to men's grief journeys.

Breaking the Silence: Encouraging Open Dialogue About Male Grief

Jock Brocas emphasizes the importance of creating spaces for men to share their stories, express their emotions, and seek support during the grieving process. By breaking the silence and encouraging open dialogue, men can find solace in knowing that their experiences are valid and that expressing emotions is not a sign of weakness.

In the podcast, Brocas advocates for men to lean on each other, to share stories, and to support one another through the journey of grief. This mutual support system can provide a sense of camaraderie, allowing men to navigate their grief with empathy and understanding.

Challenging Societal Norms: Redefining Strength and Resilience

male grief

Redefining the notion of strength and resilience is essential in addressing the unspoken struggles of grieving men. The podcast urges a shift in societal norms to encompass a broader definition of strength, one that acknowledges the courage and vulnerability in expressing emotions and seeking support.

Challenging the deeply ingrained expectations placed on men to bottle up their feelings can pave the way for a healthier and more inclusive approach to grief. It empowers men to embrace their emotions and seek help without fear of judgment, fostering a culture of empathy and understanding.

The Path Forward: Creating Supportive Communities for Men

In conclusion, the Pillars of Grief podcast inspires a call to action in creating supportive communities for men to navigate their grief journey. By amplifying the voices of grieving men and providing platforms for open dialogue, we can foster a culture of inclusivity and compassion.

This article serves as a catalyst for change, encouraging individuals to engage in conversations about men’s grief experiences and to actively foster a supportive environment. By referencing the Pillars of Grief podcast and its poignant insights, we can amplify the call to action and work towards a more empathetic and understanding approach to men's grief.

Closing Thoughts

The Pillars of Grief podcast delivers a powerful message that resonates deeply with the challenges faced by grieving men. It implores us to dismantle the societal barriers that hinder men from expressing their emotions and seeking help during times of loss.

By acknowledging the unique struggles of grieving men and igniting conversations around men's mental health and emotional well-being, we can spark positive change. Let us heed the call to action presented in the podcast and work towards building a world where men can grieve openly and find solace in supportive communities.

In this endeavor, the Pillars of Grief podcast serves as a cornerstone, driving the conversation forward and shedding light on critical issues that demand our attention and collective efforts.


Pillars of Grief. (Host: Jock Brocas). (2021). Unmasking the Hidden Tears Grieving Men and The Grief Journey [Audio podcast episode].


Navigating the Uncharted Grief of Covid Widows

In the latest Pillars of Grief podcast episode, "Covid Widows," hosts Jock Brocas and Jill Doetsch explore the grief faced by those who lost loved ones to COVID-19. This episode offers a supportive space for "COVID widows," a community facing unique challenges in a world with few resources for this new form of grief. Through shared stories, reflection, and support, the podcast helps listeners connect, heal, and find resilience. It’s a reminder that, in grief, no one journeys alone.

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